Putnam County Five-Year History of Levy 2024


The Putnam County Board of Commissioners does hereby announce that the millage rate will be set at a meeting to be held at the Putnam County Administration Building, 117 Putnam Drive, Eatonton, GA on August 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM* and pursuant to the requirements of O.C.G.A 48-5-32 does hereby publish the following presentation of the current year's digest and levy, along with the history of the tax digest and levy for the past five years.   
COUNTYWIDE AREA INCORPORATED 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
VALUE Real & Personal 1,492,337,498 1,565,119,837 1,684,086,673 2,118,094,369 2,650,730,884 2,915,606,727
Motor Vehicles 16,196,140 16,408,500 12,162,530 11,332,490 11,561,230 11,647,520
Mobile Homes 5,194,575 5,807,932 6,094,521 7,921,026 13,949,878 15,390,661
Timber - 100% 4,688,246 4,038,573 3,211,267 4,254,512 3,124,287 3,030,356
Heavy Duty Equipment 293,831 488,484 400,564 397,715 680,512 644,221
Gross Digest 1,518,710,290 1,591,863,326 1,705,955,555 2,142,000,112 2,680,046,791 2,946,319,485
Less Exemptions 186,641,872 206,853,656 227,324,103 368,890,854 538,486,047 600,608,606
NET DIGEST VALUE 1,332,068,418 1,385,009,670 1,478,631,452 1,773,109,258 2,141,560,744 2,345,710,879
RATE Gross Maintenance & Operation Millage 9.6258 9.642 9.536 8.574 8.113 7.747
Less Rollbacks                  (Local Option Sales Tax) 1.4228 1.564 1.816 1.795 1.713 1.646
NET M&O MILLAGE RATE 8.2030 8.078 7.720 6.779 6.400 6.101
  TAX TOTAL M&O TAXES LEVIED $10,926,957 $11,188,108 $11,415,035 $12,019,908 $13,705,989 $14,311,182
  TAX Net Tax $ Increase $390,882 $261,151 $226,927 $604,873 $1,686,081 $605,193
Net Tax % Increase 3.71% 2.39% 2.03% 5.30% 14.03% 4.42%
Publish 8/22/24                      *Start time may be delayed if another public hearing is scheduled prior to this meeting.