Station 6
On or about May 29, 1985 Mr. Bill Barulsen petitioned the County of Putnam with thirty signatures for the purpose of forming a Volunteer Fire Department in the Rockville/Oconee Springs Park area. The County Commissioners gave permission for the residents to establish a Fire Department on June 4, 1985.
The Commissioners required a minimum of a 1 acre lot for the fire station. Mr. Barulsen contacted Georgia Pacific for the donation of land, which was given. This property was located at the corner of Rockville Rd. and Soring Rd.
Mr. Barulsen and Mr. Linch went before the Commissioners again on Oct. 14, 1985 and they approved to give the fire department a section of the Oconee Springs Park for the fire station. (106 DeJarnette Rd. SE) This change in sites was due to the cost of establishing utilities and the need for security.
On Oct. 21, 1985 Mrs. Funderburk, County Commissioners Secretary, called Mr. Barulsen and confirmed the commissioner’s approval.
On Wednesday Oct 24, 1985 at 7:30 PM about forty-five residents from the Rockville/Oconee Springs Park area met at the Oconee Springs Park Pavilion. Mr. Barulsen explained the requirements for establishing a Volunteer Fire Department and the commitment the residents of the area had to make. It was unanimously agreed for the community to support this new organization. The meeting was adjourned with another meeting scheduled for Nov. 6, 1985 for the purpose of electing officers.
The election of officers was held on Nov. 6, 1985 and the following people were elected:
Robert Corley President
Reggie Haslett Vice President
Majorie Corely Secretary/Treasure
Robert Carter Fire Chief
Woodrow Logan Member at Large
W.O Hooks Member at Large
It was decided by the membership to name the Fire Department, Rockville Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. and thirty people sign the list for the purpose of taking fire training. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM with all officers to go ahead with the procedures to become a full-fledged Volunteer Fire Department. The next meeting was not scheduled at this time.
The following named individuals agreed to participate in the 1st Fire Fighters Training Course, to be held upon the completion of the fire station.
Glenn Quesenberry
L.W Hogan
L. H. Barulsen
Marcus Roberts
Freddie Godbee
Bob Corley
Buddy Ellis
Roy Davis
Steve Durden
Ken Ryals
Gail Haslett
W.O Hooks
W.A. Rampton
Michael Cummings
Reggie Haslett
James Linch
E.W. Knight
Mary Ann Kenny
J. L. Griffith
J.R. Knight
Nathan Mason
Lee Schell
Robert Carter
G.T. Brown
Charles Carter
Johnnie Hampton
Diane McCarty
Carey Phillips
Robert Carter
Linda Durden